African Scholar Travel Grants

ICABR 2020 Conference, June 29-July 3 in Córdoba, Argentina African Scholar Travel Grants

The 24th International Consortium for Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) Conference will be held from June 29th to July 3rd, 2020 in Córdoba, Argentina. The conference will focus on the latest economics and agribusiness research on innovations for food, agriculture, and biofuels, and the policies that determine their use and impact. Co-sponsored by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries of Argentina, the 24th ICABR Conference will provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas among scholars, practitioners, and policymakers from some of the most productive food-producing countries.

Through generous support from the Morocco-based OCP Group, ICABR is able to provide travel grant support for African scholars to attend the 2020 ICABR Conference. These competitive travel grants provide financial support for costs of conference registration, travel and lodging for graduate researchers, junior professionals, and senior scholars at African universities and governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants include graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, and professionals in the private, public, or not-for-profit sectors in African countries.

Applicants must be engaged in research on topics relevant to the ICABR 2020 Conference, including but not limited to: applied molecular genetics; biofuels, biorefineries and biomaterials; bio inputs; bioeconomy and the environment; bioeconomy curricula; and bioeconomy policy.

Applicants must have their paper accepted for oral presentation at the ICABR 2020 Conference (including submitting an abstract before the required deadline via the ICABR website at

Application Process

All travel grant applicants must submit an abstract for oral presentation before the required 2020 conference deadline via the ICABR website at

Travel grant applicants should also submit the following ICABR 2020 African Scholar Travel Grant materials via email to Dr. Justus Wesseler at or Dr. Carl Pray at by February 25, 2020:

  • A cover sheet with the name, highest degree earned, professional title / faculty rank or anticipated graduate degree, institutional email, institutional mailing address, and phone number of the applicant, as well as the title and abstract of the paper as submitted to ICABR.
  • A brief personal statement (<100 words) of anticipated benefits from attendance at the ICABR 2020 conference.
  • For graduate students and postdoctoral applicants, a brief letter of support from a faculty member attesting to the potential for the applicant to contribute to and benefit from the ICABR 2020 Conference program.
  • A brief itemized budget, indicating costs to be borne by ICABR and funding provided by other sources, if any. Include the categories Registration fee, Airfare, Lodging, Meals, and Other Expenses (if any).

Travel grant proposal submissions should be submitted as a single PDF file  by February 25, 2020, to ensure consideration for funding for the Summer 2020 conference. Proposals will be reviewed by the ICABR Board, and award decisions announced by late February.

Please direct questions to Dr. Justus Wesseler at  or Dr. Carl Pray at